Compatibility of CZ P09 magazines

Will the CZ Shadow 2 magazines work in CZ P09? And will the P09 magazines function properly in CZ P07? We answer compatibility of CZ P-09 magazines from all angles:

  • we will cover functionality of CZ P09 magazines in other guns – CZ & other, and also
  • whether magazines from other guns can be used in CZ P-09. 

CZ P09 magazines in other CZ pistols

CZ P-09 magazine
CZ P-09 magazine

Yes, you can use P09 magazines in other pistols. Foremostly,  CZ P-09 uses the very same magazines as CZ P10F in 9×19 caliber. 

However, that is the case only for production after 2020. For earlier production of P09 magazines the cuts for magazine release were slightly different. To be more precise, there was one cut and not two and thus such magazine would not be compatible with CZ P10F. For any newer mags this is not an issue anymore though. 

Other than CZ P10F pistol, which is a gun in the same size category (full size), CZ P-09 magazines work also with few other CZ guns:

  • CZ P07,
  • CZ P10C, and
  • CZ P-10S.

All these three guns are however smaller than the P-09 pistol. The magazine will be fully functionable but it will be larger than the grip, and thus exceed the grip.

This exceeding of the magazine can be however solved by using a sleeve. As we described in more detail in this article, these sleeves will cover the exceeding part of magazine when they are used in smaller guns [if compatible with those guns of course].

CZ P07 with CZ P09 magazine with sleeve
CZ P07 with CZ P09 magazine with sleeve [source]
The sleeves are shaped differently depending on the gun it is supposed to work on – thus sleeve made for P-09 magazines to fit P10S pistol will be different from sleeve designed for CZ P09 magazine to cover exceeding part of magazine in CZ P07 pistol.

Comatibility of P09 magazines in non-CZ pistols

CZ P09 surprisingly also functions properly outside of the CZ production.

Or at least partly “outside of CZ production” – because CZ P09 magazine fits in Dan Wesson pistol DWX.

Dan Wesson DWX use the same magazine as CZ P09
Dan Wesson DWX use the same magazine as CZ P09 [source]
Other than this model we are not aware of any other non-CZ pistol that would use the same magazine though.


CZ P07 magazine sleeve
CZ P09 magazine with sleeve for CZ P07

You can use CZ P09 magazines in following pistols:

  • CZ P10F 9×19 – 100% identical;
  • Dan Wesson DWX – 100% identtical;
  • CZ P07 – fully functionable however magazine will exceed grip – can be solved with sleeve;
  • CZ P10C and CZ P10S – fully functionable however magazine will exceed grip – can be solved with sleeve.

Magazines from other models in CZ P09

Although you can use P-09 magazines in few other guns, it does not work vice versa with so many models.

The compact and subcompact guns listed above (CZ P07, CZ P10S and CZ P10C) will have too short magazine to function in CZ P09.

CZ P09 magazines are same as P10F magazines
CZ P09 magazines are same as P10F magazines

There are still two guns from which you can take the magazine and use it without issue in CZ P09:

  • CZ P10F in 9×19 magazine, and
  • Dan Wesson DWX magazine.

Thanks to the same magazine bottom for CZ P-09 as for P-07 and P-10 models, you can still use wide range of compatible magazine base pads on your CZ P-09. Because the base pads dont differ based on the size of the magazine, you can use mag pad from CZ P-10S pistol and use it without issue on yyour CZ P-09 pistol.

Compatibility of other parts

CZ P09 has not only many spare parts compatible also with CZ P07, but also many aftermarket accessories.

For example, if you are selecting sights for your P09, you can be 100% sure these sights will also work the same with your CZ P-07.